Saturday, May 29, 2010

The last dance

Wow... What an incredible feeling... I am in the hospital now, getting my last chemo treatments... Let me repeat that... I am getting my LAST chemo treatments. This chapter of my life is hopefully coming to end, and i have to say it is very emotionally overwhellming.
The most incredible feeling was yesterday, when my doctor informed of his plan to harvest and freeze some of my stem cells in off chance I get a recurrance of this dissease. This way, should i need a bone marrow transplant, I would be able to be my own donor. I mean how cool is that? Amazing what is possible these days with medical technology. But the most incredible thing for me was that it directly addresses something that was begining to creep up --What happens if it comes back? I mean beyond the bravado, about kicking cancers ass, and killing leukemia, kicking ass and taking names, is the very real and ever present thought about what happens if this comes back? This plan that my docs are formulating really does go a very long way of aleviating that for me. They have come up with contingency plan for me, that we hope and expect to never use, but there is no way i can describe how reassuring it is to have it there. 

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