After spending about 3 and a half weeks in the hosiptal, including 4 or 5 days in the ICU, wow.... just the thought of some freedom at home, sitting on my own couch and watching my own tv where the channels work (stupid snow storm), sound amazing. Also what really sounds great is to able walk around in the neighborhood. there are only so many routes you can take around the floor to make it somewhat interesting....
I am a lil worried about all the strength i have lost. I have dropped about 11 lbs since i have been here... most of it while intubated in the ICU... you really feel that your legs are really weak.... so rehabing this incidident is going to be interesting....
HOORAY! We are sooo glad that you are going to be going home - that will be so fantastic! I can only bet you will be so happy to be chez toi! xoxoxoxo!! Hilary