Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Where to begin?

Soooo much stuff has taken place over the last week it is becoming hard to phathom everything.

Since my last post of lat week i was starting to feel increasingly unwell...... i had some more and more shortness of breath, some more chest pains.... The doctors took exrays and cat scanns of my lungs, only find them clear. The next day it seemede my condition got worse... i had a harder time sleeping, rolling on sided to side. after an exhaustive nights of tests and more tests. they doctors had seen enough to call it and send me out of my 'comfy hospital room and sent me to ICU.... were only good thing happen right?

Illl post this for now... because i am getting really right about now.... but i just thought that i would want to give you guys something to read about it....

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