Wednesday, March 17, 2010

All is good...

Things are going well here.. Just completed the first day of chemo behind bright and early this morning. 2 more to go...
Made sleep a little bit challenging since they had to plug me in for second dose at 5am... but hey... no biggy :)

So now the name of the game is very simple... just wait... I have 36 hours till we start more chemo, and if all stays on track i could be set free on Sunday morning :) I would probably be home only for a few days, and they will bring me back in as my blood counts drop from the chemo... but anyhow... any day home is awesome...

I know the few weeks ahead are gonna get tough as the chemo does its work... but like all things... This too shall pass...

I am just thrilled to be one step closer to being done... :)

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