Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Cleared for takeoff....

After a 2 week delay, I got the all clear yesterday from my doc to start round 2 of chemotherapy today. I woke up really early the past few days with a real sense of anticipation and eagerness to get this show back on the road. It most definitely is time to get this plain back in the air.
It really was a relief to hear from my doc that the effusion around my heart had almost completely cleared last week. Those steroids sure do work when it comes to stuff like that, but wow are the side effects impressive. almost done with them now... so hopefully my body will be able to gain some semblance of normalcy... They make your muscles waist away... since i have been out of the hospital again, i have lost 5 or 6 pounds despite having a ravenous appetite. you look down at your legs and you see how much smaller they have gotten...

Let me tell you... this is one weird journey...

However the biggest change for that has happened over my 'maintenance' layover is that i have a calmed down a lot about it... I avoid sweating the small the things that are out of my control and try to roll with punches (not always the easiest thing) I am not really planning things for far ahead (actually thats a lie... i am planning dinner orders for friends to bring by! i have a list!) but when it comes to treatment... complications... when i am home.. when i am not... I can't follow the minute by minute... this is too complicated... I am simply trying to focus on being a good patient, with a positive attitude.... The ONLY thing that i am focused on is getting to my destination which is to be cured from this disease... How i get there i dont really care... and i am not gonna worry about it. I have full confidence in my oncologist, and my super advocate radiation oncologist mom :) I have the best support network on the planet sending good vibes :)

Life is good... Chemo round 2 is a very good thing... :)

as for now... i am gonna finish packing my bags and wait to get called to the gate...