Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Ah yes... here comes the first wall...

As soon as I got up yesterday morning, I could tell today was gonna be different. And from what I guessing the next few days are gonna be more of the same. Yesterday morning was the first time i really felt the chemo starting to kick in. I had no energy, sort of felt like i was in that morning fog you have every morning, but this one doesn't seem to want to go away with a cup of starbucks that my mom smuggles in for me. The other thing, is that my appetite is totally gone. Not much seems appetizing anymore.
It kind of seems like yesterday was a transition day. During my first few days post diagnosis, I honestly seemed somewhat high, my brain was pumping out endorphins, like no ones business, prepping me for what is ahead. This really seems like an amazing thing. By doing this, it really seemed to have short-circuited any real feelings of fear and anxiety. I could easily imagine such stunning diagnosis be so daunting and intimidating that without this flood of endorphines you could be easily feel overwhelmed by the road that is ahead of you. It is pretty clear that I am now prepping for a long haul here. Sorry guys, as sports fan i feel an irresistable urge to insert a sports cliche here... This a marathon not a sprint.

Jacques and Elodie were my first visitors of the day. It was really great to see them. Jacques walks into the room and proudly pulls off his hat to show me his newly shaved head. Grinning from ear to ear, I had to inform that the doctors do not expect me to lose my hair (I might lose some, but since I still seem to have plenty that shouldn't be a problem -knock on wood). Jacques I totally love the gesture, and it brings a huge smile to my face just thinking about it :)

My parents came by shortly after, bringing me more news from my family back in Europe calling and and checking up on me. Elaine, Tina, Eric and April came by and brought me and awesome cork board, and some funny pictures. Between the four of them they couldn't find a way to hang it up, we will cross that bridge later :).

Annick came by and brought a ton of books and game of Presidential Scrabble, took me a while to realize this, but what she was really doing is bringing me a game where she could kick my ass in -way to go Annick, way to pad your ego on beating up on a cancer patient :).

Bill, Ching, and Fed showed up later in the evening and we spent a few hours just chatting and laughing.

And somewhere in between that whole day, I received my second dose of chemo. It really is amazing how that really isn't the biggest thing happened to me yesterday.... Thanks guys! I love you all!

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