Monday, January 25, 2010

Wow... What a difference blood makes...

Well yesterday afternoon I received 2 units of blood, and today I feel like a whole new person. I have some energy, feel alert, don't quite feel good enough to run a marathon, but a few laps of the 5th floor are definitely in my future. Things seem to be going very well and doctors are really well. My blood seems to be clotting normally which in turn indicates a very low amount of leukemic cells.

It really seems that this week is the one where I start to get stir crazy. There really is nothing to do but wait for my body to respond. No more counting down procedures. No more anticipating the next chemo treatment. This is really the first morning where I am actually thinking of what life is on the outside of my fifth floor penitentiary. Could that be in future soon?


  1. Hi David, this is Andreas from Vienna.

    Now you know how Vampires feel after they have bitten a young girl:-). Good to see, that you are thinking of the life outside the 5th.
    You are every day on my mind and I wish you all the best!


    ps: Sorry for my bad English. If you prefer I can post in German in order to avoid some misunderstanding.

  2. It's great to hear that, considering the circumstances, you have some energy and that things are going well! We love you Dave, and we'll see you soon - Els
    PS. Jacques told me some of your nurses were cute ;-D

  3. Glad to hear the doctors are really well. We tend to be a sick bunch!
    I hear Maredsous is really good to recuperate from chemo, especially when drunk with one of those cute nurses. I can put that on a prescription if you want me to and fed-ex you the Maredsous!

  4. D-Money,
    Jeffro from the NRC had some trouble posting to your blog and asked me to pass along this message:


    This is horrible news. I can't imagine the pain and agony you are going through. I will most def keep you in mind as you cross one of the most difficult hurdles in life. If I can do anything let me know.

    Wishful thoughts,
    Jeff Mitchell (NRC)"

  5. yes Davy, sitting here on my perma frosted floor, I am confident that you will be getting to this other side of your life in the near future. good to hear that the blood donors seam to have a positive effect on your fatigue... hugs: jj
