The doctor came in yesterday just to chat and talk about how things were progressing... and the news is very good... I am right on track.... My white blood cell count are dropping as we want them too and all other factors that they are looking at right where you would expect them to be for this time in treatment.
I just everyone to know that sometimes it might seem that I am bit down, nothing could be further from the truth. My optimism just might have a little bit of trouble showing through the waves of fatigue that I go through. Thank you so much for all the positive thoughts messages, and emails! I know I haven't responded to all of them. But I promise you that I read all of them, and they all warm my heart :) I will get back to all of them! I promise :)
Over the last few days I have been fantasizing about an Office Space type demolition of this IV stand and pumps that have followed me around for the past week... I will plot my revenge for your tubes tangling, power cord tripping, useless battery, endless beeping, constant whirring... I will have the last word in this, but in the mean time thanks for helping me beat cancer :)
Personally, I love your IV stand! Beat that cancer!