Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Plugging along....

Really that is all that there is to do right now... I get my third dose of the chemo later today, which I seem to be super lucky to tolerate fairly well. I might be in for one more dose on Friday, it all depends on what my values look like.

Yesterday was the first day I actually crawled into bed during the day. I have been stubbornly staying away from it during the daytime, in an effort to keep as 'normal' a schedule as possible.

Along with my folks who came by earlier in the afternoon Becky and Jennifer dropped by this evening after work, which really helped to break up the day.

It really is amazing how things really start to slow down for you as the treatment works its magic. I really does take some mental Jujitsu to convince yourself that the worse you are feeling the better you are getting :)

Well thats all I have got on deck for now... but i am never far away from my laptop :)

1 comment:

  1. Dave,
    Linda told me that you are at GW, which is on my way home from work.
    Can you send me an email or facebook me your room number and visitng hours, along with which days are best for you, (if you have days that are better than others)?
    I'd love to come by and drop off some State Department propaganda, I mean reading materials and shoot the crap for a bit.
    Nathan sends his love and support as well.
    Cheers! And let me know if there is ever anything I can do, since I am in the neighborhood from 9:30 to 7 or 8 every day.
