Thursday, January 21, 2010

One Week....

Funny, I just realized today is Thursday. I have been now in the hospital now a whole week. I mean i cant really say that this week has flown by, but it for sure hasn't dragged on, thanks to the constant stream of visitors that come by.
Right now I really do consider myself really really lucky. I don't seem to have any of the legendary side effects that you hear about with chemo -no nausea, no hair loss (actually my hair seems to have a very nice sheen to it with help from all the fluids they are giving me).
The thing what is really stunning is how much fatigue sets in from the chemo. You just feel like you are functioning in slow motion all day... I was watching an episode of Scrubs on Hulu yesterday, and it really did feel like it was taxing my brain.
There seems to be a bit of a pattern to this for me. The full effect of the chemo dose doesn't seem to hit me until 36 hrs after I receive it.

Just thought I would share a funny Ching story again. He happened to be there as I needed to get blood drawn. Since i have central line this is nothing... no needles no stabbing... just pretty much just suck the blood out of my arm like a vampire and we are done. Ching again started squirming in his seat looking pale and counting holes in the ceiling tiles... My nurse Stephanie looks over at him, and asks him if he is ok, and if he needs anything? Ching... get it together.... :)

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